- Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International - Atlanta, USA BEC - Bio Energy Corporation - Budapest, Hungary |
shortest distance betwen two points in the universe is a structural link™! |
Feng Shui CATALOG HOME | Feel
free ask our distributor for a 24 hour demo: We can send Feng Shui Energies to any location in your home or office, and that at any distance! |
Feng Shui Manifestation Program Manifestation Programs™ are designed to help you to: Get
Assured Success Faster and Easier The FSMP --The Feng Shui Manifestation Program for your PC Why Feng Shui Manifestation™? Feng Shui-Plus™ is a gigantic step ahead of all conventional feng shui technologies! It adds massive life force to the feng shui energy of your choice. This means continuous power driving towards the results that you programmed into your computer. This continuous flow of life force is made possible with a special structural link that connects your Chi Generator®, the Feng Shui Manifestation™ Program and the target of your operation: To make this possible, you need a fully individualized transfer card and the corresponding file on your program that connect the trend and target settings of your radionics device directly with the trend and target functions in your program. You receive such an individualized and unique transfer diagram with your program. |
Starting up the program: first screen with two images
Now you decide to project a dual Feng Shui energy to yourself: Select 3 positions, edit each position (below), one of the positions is set up for you, with your name and picture. The other two positions show the desired Feng Shui energies, which you move to the corners with the same energy, load the transfer image and run the program. Below the same startup image. Since you want to have Feng Shui energies in this "impossible office," you decided for all 12 positions. then edit the pictures. Next, you load the floor plan of the office as background and put the Feng Shui energies in the locations where YOU want them to be active. Note: below you see an example where multiple energies are active in almost all locations, which is a significant advantage over traditional Feng Shui. In addition, you have some Feng Shui energies appear more than just once, another feature that Feng Shui-plus makles possible for you, while traditional methods of Feng Shui lack such possibilities entirely. Think of a cave man. He either can search for a warm place in his cave and settle for sleep in a corner that is otherwise not this comfortable as other corners would be, or he can use technology and make a fire, in which case he can sleep wherever he wantsto sleep. Feng-Shui-Plus compares to making a fire. Below the program in action. |
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(770) 783 0563