HSCTI - Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International - Atlanta, USA
BEC - Bio Energy Corporation - Budapest, Hungary
The shortest distance betwen two points in the universe is a structural link™!
Feng Shui CATALOG HOME Feel free ask our distributor for a 24 hour demo: We can send Feng Shui Energies
to any location in your home or office, and that at any distance!

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The Chi Generators® (Orgone Generators®)
The purpose of the Chi Generator® is to energize yourself and to add power to all of your actions at a distance, such as in combination with the Bagua that contains the Feng Shui energies or with any other setup that you use to define the type of energy, which you project to a location or around a person.  A good example for such alternatives are the set of Feng Shui Cards (the Bagua and one card for each direction), as well as the Energy-Filters of the AAoS (Astrological Alphabet of Success)
which contains over 200 pre-designed astrology-based precise success diagrams that you can use for practically everything you intend to achieve.  

Therefore, the Chi Generator® is your natural tool to provide the Feng Shui action of your choice with a continuous supply of Chi Energy.

feng shui adaptThe AO 1100 Water Optimizer

This budget size Chi Generator® and Water optimizer is better and a lot more affordable than any competitive device on the market:   More imporantly, it boasts a dual functionn abd this for less than half the price of just any water device that's out there.

In other words: 
This exceptionally versatile and affordable water revitalizing Chi Generator® can be at the beginning of your journey into a more energetic, more satisfying and more fulfilling life.

Dual Function: The AO 1100 revitalizes water into living water and simultaneously it charges this living water with life force, or bio energy (Chi energy).   This process takes less than a minute for a glass or for a small bottle of water, it takes just a few minutes to revitalize a gallon of water and to charge it with life energy.

In addition to this, there are many additional practical Feng Shui applications waiting for you when you decide to use this extraordinary device on a daily basis. 

Size: ca. 4 x 3.5 x 1.25 inches - Power Supply: 6V DC, minimum of 100 mA.   Wall transformer included when shipped inside the USA.

Above:  The way you can set up the The AO 1100 with the Transfer Combo TC 99 to project the Feng Shui Energy of "Education and Knowledge" to any location or to yourself.

feng shui chi transfer





Same as above.  Here you put the rectangular part of the TC 99 Transfer Combo onto your key ring.  As above, this is the way to project the special Feng shui energy, in our example "Education and Knowledge," to yourself wherever you are, and this will effectively override the Feng Shui energy that surrounds you in that location

feng shui chi transfer to charge supplements

In this setup you are using the RAOPTC to charge and optimize supplements at a distance.  Of course you can do the same with water, food, etc.  Simply run your chi generator in your home 24-7, and carry the Water charging RAOPTC disc with you.  This disk has a handy 3.25 inches diameter, which is ideal for cups or glasses od plates.  One or two minutes of charging usually is sufficient.  For a gallon of water leave it for 10 minutes.

feng shui power boosted






This is a setup of the AO 1100 on the Bagua, projecting the "Career Prospects" corner into the area.  Put this into a location where you want this specific Feng Shui energy, and it will effectively override the existing (and much weaker) energies.

chi transfer plus






Here the AO 1100 with the PBT 2400 Power Booster.  Carry the transfer disk on you to boost the energies of "wealth and prosperity" of the South-East Direction of the Bagua

AO 1100 - Based Feng-Shui-Plus Kits

FS1 - The Basic Feng Shui Kit: AO1100 + TC99 + Feng Shui Set

Ideal entry level setup for a single projection of Feng Shui energies either to yourself or into any location of your choice, where it will override the existing Feng Shui energies as a result of the continuous supply of life force (Chi energy) that is generated by your AO 1100.

FS2 - The Basic Feng Shui Kit with Program for PC: AO1100 + RAO + FSMP + Feng Shui Set

Ideal entry level setup for a single projection of Feng Shui energies either to yourself or into any location of your choice, where it will override the existing Feng Shui energies as a result of the continuous supply of life force (Chi energy) that is generated by your AO 1100.  This kit comes with the Feng Shui Manifestation Program.